

Back Pain

Learn how to finally put an END to back pain and stiffness that stop you from doing what you love to do. All back pain isn’t the same.

Common Injuries: herniated or bulging disk, muscle spasms, stenosis, arthritis, and sciatica.


Neck Pain

Ease annoying neck pain and tension headaches. If you’re sick of waiting for the pain to go away, taking pills, and using other cover-up modalities that only temporarily mask pain, contact us.

Common Injuries: concussion, strain, fracture, arthritis, disc degeneration, nerve pain, radiculopathy, headache, whiplash.  


Shoulder Pain

Whether it’s that annoying shoulder pain that started “out of the blue” or an old or new injury, you don’t have to live with it anymore. Get hands-on treatment that actually works.

Common Injuries: rotator cuff, bursitis, impingement, tendonitis, TOS, labral tear.


Elbow Pain

The most common elbow pain is usually caused by tennis or golfer’s elbow and both easily treatable by an experienced physical therapist. If you have pain in your elbow that doesn’t seem to go away, contact us now for your free discovery visit.

Common Injuries:  tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, bursitis, radial tunnel syndrome, biceps tendonitis, ulnar neuritis, ligament sprain, fracture.


Hip and Thigh Pain

Hip pain is less common but still an issue in a large amount of the population. Pain is usually felt in the front, outside, or deep inside the joint. All of which can mean something different.

Common Injuries: bursitis, snapping Hip, IT band syndrome, osteoarthritis, labral tear, muscle strain.


Foot and Ankle Pain

Learn how to stop annoying foot and ankle pain without injections, without braces, and without pain pills. The specialists at Body Physical Therapy can help.

Common Injuries: plantar fasciitis, heel pain, achilles tendonitis, ankle sprain, nerve pain.

Let’s Get Started

Set up your free discovery visit with a specialist today.