
Sports Physical Therapy

Lymphatic Sculpting

Manual Therapy

Post-Surgical Rehab


Kinesio Taping

NormaTec Boots


Sports Physical Therapy

Athletes are truly in a league of their own. Appropriate rehab goes beyond strengthening and decreasing pain. In order to effectively keep athletes in the game, a comprehensive and specific motor control program is necessary to not only heal current or past injuries, but to prevent any from occurring in the future. 


Treat the ‘Cause of the Cause’

The goal of sports rehab is to evaluate and treat injuries related to sports and physical activity. The course of action is to effectively treat the “cause of the cause” of your pain or injury completely and work to correct the musculoskeletal imbalances to prevent re-injury or injury to a different body part.

Common Conditions Treated

  • Ankle Sprain

  • ACL Rehab and Prevention

  • Shin Splints

  • Tennis or Golf Elbow

  • Hamstring or Other Muscle Strains

  • Concussion

  • Rotator Cuff or Shoulder Pain

  • Jumper’s Knee and Runner’s Knee

  • Patellofemoral Syndrome

  • Achilles Tendonitis

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Osgood-Schlatter

  • Bursitis

Lymphatic Sculpting

A specialized light-touch therapy, manual lymphatic drainage therapy is a gentle, rhythmic stimulation of the lymph nodes and lymph vessels that can dramatically increase the normal rate of lymph flow. The slow rhythmic strokes move the skin and connective tissue, creating a gentle pumping action that increases flow in the tissues. It rapidly reduces swelling, bruising, and pain while promoting regeneration. Manual lymphatic drainage therapy is an ideal form of therapy for most pre and post surgical recovery. Promoting detoxification of the entire body will help reduce fluid retention and edemas, and minimize bruising, lump formation, and scarring and accelerate healing after liposuction, skin tightening, tummy tuck and other cosmetic procedures.


When should I get a lymphatic Massage?

Right before and after cosmetic surgery to reduce the amount of swelling and speed up recovery. Before a photos shoot for a more chiseled and defined aesthetic. To reduce puffiness in the face and abdomen. When you have nasal congestion.

What We Offer

  • Ultrasound Cavitation

  • Arnica infusion for bruise reduction

  • Taping to quicken bruise recovery

  • Lump reduction

  • Stretching

  • Pain reduction without reliance on pills

Manual Therapy

Manual physical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy delivered with the hands as opposed to a device or machine. In manual therapy, practitioners user their hands to put pressure on muscle tissue and manipulate joints in an attempt to decrease back pain caused by muscle spasm, muscle tension, and joint dysfunction.


Types of Manual Therapy

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization

  • High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust (adjustments)

  • Joint Mobilizations

  • IASTM (Graston)

  • Traction

  • PNF Stretching

  • Sports Massage

  • Lymphatic Massage

Post-Surgical Rehab

Body Physical Therapy works closely with the top surgeons in and around Beverly Hills to combine our progressive rehabilitation protocol with the latest surgical techniques in order to deliver the quickest route to full recovery after surgery.


Common Surgeries We Treat

  • ACL

  • Achilles Repair

  • Meniscus


  • Rotator Cuff

  • Hip and Knee Replacement

  • Labrum Repair

  • Ankle

  • Tummy Tuck

  • J Plasma

  • Liposuction

  • Face lift


Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization using a medical grade metal tool to break up scar tissue, break up adhesions, increase blood flow, promote healing, and increase flexibility.  Watch a video here.


Common Injuries Treated

  • Ankle Pain (Achilles Tendinosis/itis)

  • Wrist Pain (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)

  • Neck Pain (Cervical Sprain/Strain)

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Hamstring Injuries

  • Hip Pain

  • IT Band (Iliotibial Band)

  • Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylosis/itis)

  • Back Pain (Lumbar Sprain/Strain)

  • Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylosis/itis)

  • Knee Pain (Patellofemoral Disorders)

  • Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

  • Shoulder Pain (Rotator Cuff Tendinosis/itis)

  • Scar Tissue

  • Women's Health (Post-Mastectomy and Caesarean Scarring)

Kinesio Taping

A taping method used for various purposes by everyone from elite athletes to everyday moms to reduce pain, improve muscle activation, improve posture, provide extra support and stability without restricting mobility. 


Common Uses or Injuries:

  • Patellar tracking assistance

  • Supporting pulled weak muscle

  • Muscle re-education (facilitation)

  • IT band friction syndrome

  • Pain or muscle spasm

  • Tendonitis

  • Scar appearance

NormaTec Boots

The ultimate recovery system for athletes or anyone after a hard workout, hike or jog. These compression boots work to enhance blood flow and speed recovery by pulsing, distal release, and gradients. This means it can more efficiently direct fluid and metabolites in the blood out of the legs and back up to the heart where they can be excreted faster by the body. Watch a video here.


Research Backed by Science

  • Increase Range of Motion

  • Lessen Pain Sensitivity

  • Pulse Compression as a Treatment for DOMS

  • Improve Endothelial Function

  • Decrease Muscle Fatigue After Acute Exercise

  • Clear Metabolites Passively

  • Gene Expression in Human Muscle Tissue

  • NormaTec Upregulates PGC-1a and eNOS


Ancient technique that uses plastic or glass cups to apply a suction force to the muscle or tissue. Benefits are incredible and include: reducing pain, increasing blood flow, decreasing inflammation, promoting healing, and deep relaxation.


How Cupping Works

At Body Remedy Physical Therapy we use air cupping. The cup is placed on the skin and a suction device removes the air from the cup to create the vacuum. The cups are placed most often on the back, stomach, arms, and legs. The cup pulls the skin upward into a rounded shape.

The cups are left on the skin for several minutes. Several cups can be placed on the skin at the same time, depending on the condition that is being treated.

The ways in which cupping helps aren’t completely understood. Because there are a lot of blood vessels in the skin, the suction created by cupping causes the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) to dilate (widen) and burst. This is believed to increase blood flow in the area in which the cup is placed.

Another way cupping is thought to help is by opening the pores of the skin to allow the body to release toxins.

In a review of studies on cupping, researchers found that it was more effective than medication in relieving back and neck pain. 

Set up your free discovery visit with a specialist today.